Mastering Chinese
I grew in my ability to write Chinese characters with the correct strokes. In practice, my change looks like me first studying and directly copying the character and structure from the packets Ms. Wang, Chinese teacher, gives us, but now I remember the number of strokes on most characters and the correct grammar, which allows me to the write the characters and sentence correctly and accurately. No I’m not developing this skill in other classes because this skill is specifically towards Chinese class.
Lesson 7 Dialogue 2 and 怎么vs. 怎么样 student teaching are both two endeavors that supported my growth in character writing. The purpose for怎么vs. 怎么样 student teaching was for us to learn new terms 怎么 and 怎么样 and compare the different sentence structures, which we teach to the class. Lesson 7 Dialogue 2 was for us to learn new vocabulary and sentence structure that allowed me to also learn words like: 平常-usually, 早上- early morning, and 上课- to go to class. The process for both of these endeavors was that we, as a class, studied the packets Ms. Wang gave us, took the quiz, and took a speller test that helped us practice our sentence structure. During these endeavors, we filled out a speller checklist and writing packets to help us practice our character writing and Chinese grammar.
For the Lesson 7 D2, the artifact that revealed my growth was the Lesson 7 D2 quiz and for 怎么vs. 怎么样 student teaching the PowerPoint was the main artifact that showed my mastery of Chinese grammar Chinese characters. On the Lesson 7 D2 quiz, the classroom content that was visible was that was visible was that平常means usually and its pinyin ping chang. It also talked about de: 得 and how it is used to complement the verb, which is before the adjective. On the PowerPoint, the content that was visible was 怎么 means how and how come and zenmeyang: 怎么样: Is it ok and How is that/sound.
The reason why both projects are a good examples of my growth because I had to write specific characters (that Ms. Wang wanted us to write) and in order to get a good grade on the quizzes I had to be able to write the characters by memory and without looking at them in my book or practice stroke sheet and the same thing goes for Chinese grammar. This illustrates my growth overtime because at first I wasn’t able to write the character 棵 without looking at it from the book, but now I can write the character from pure memory. Being able to write characters and doing it the correct way and implement those in a sentence will help me be able to pass more test and quizzes in the future of my Chinese class. It’s also good to know the characters just in case I have to write a Chinese letter without or mostly looking at the book for help. To further develop this skill, I would have to constantly practice writing characters in the summer and constantly reading Chinese, so I can commit them and the structures to memory. My goal is to be able to write at least half of the characters in my book and write them correctly in a sentence. I want to do this without looking for help in any other resource besides my memory.