Wellness and Fitness:
Healthy Based Decisions
Protein Discovery
World History:
Enhancing Persuasion
Chinese 2:
Mastering Chinese
Greatest Quality Statement: Persistent
Out of the five qualities at Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS), I mostly grew in Persistence. Persistence is a key skill to have in high school or any level of school (especially DRSS) because if you acquire the skill you can will yourself in completing possible long and drawn out projects or even multiple projects throughout the year. Now, this skill is also an important implication in daily life because you will face multiple obstacles constantly and you must be able to push through them in order to have a productive life. One way I demonstrated persistence this year was during the Healthy Living Unit, a joint unit that combined Biology and Wellness content, where my partner Sophia and I had to present extra PowerPoint slides that we didn’t practice due to our partner’s absence. I was able to successfully present the extra slides and complete the rest of the project because of my persistence. Another endeavor, where I displayed persistence was the Conflict and Genocide poster. I had to alter the details of the poster time, time, and time again to make it “A” worthy, and in order to complete this assignment at the best of my ability I had to have the skill persistence.