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A Reflection describing my experience in my History class this year.

      In U.S. History, before the class was assigned the Miami Valley Person of the Year Project, we were learning about the Civil Rights Movement and Women Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement is when blacks fought to end segregation. Women fought for equality and voting rights during the Women Rights Movement. The requirements for this project was that I was supposed to select an African American male or any female race that lives or lived in the Miami Valley area. Then do research on your person/group and create an article about them. These elements are necessary because it exercises our research and writing skills. The draft that the professionals critiqued was legitimately good; the professional stated that essay sounded professional and essential details in Paul Dunbar’s life. The final draft basically eliminated all common comma errors, and sentence structure errors. Those two assignments show my growth throughout the project.


      My biggest challenge through this process was to make the article flow. I was challenged here because I wanted the article to be basic, clear, an easy read, and sound professional. I overcame this challenge by constantly reading and editing my paper. Another successful moment, during this process, was when I received candy since my paper didn’t have any major errors. For example, no major spelling errors, fairly good sentence structure, and overall made sure the passage read “smoothly”


      The biggest thing I learned in our lessons about Malcom X (Malcom X was one of the prominent speakers during the Civil Rights Era) was how Malcom X had four names in his lifetime. Ironically, his names reflected who he was during certain times. Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Malcom X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz; these are the names that describe Malcom X. I only wish I had the chose to pick him for the project, but Malcom lived most of his life in New York. Some implications for completing this assignment is that I have a rich perspective on women and African American history. By completing this process, it taught me how to write in a clear and professional manner. Now, as a student I can write my reports for other classes in a clear and formal manner.


      Out of the Five Qualities of Dayton Regional STEM School, I mostly demonstrated Collaboration. Collaboration is considering the thoughts of other people and then using those thoughts to improve your work. In this project, collaboration would be defined as me taking into account my classmates’ and professionals’ opinions into enhancing my essay. Overall they said the essay was well written and gives a great overview of Paul Laurence Dunbar’s life; meaning how he was an elevator operator before being a poet, friends with the Wright Brothers, met Fredrick Douglass, and etc. I mostly demonstrated Collaboration by talking to my history teacher, professionals, and fellow students to know their suggestions on my article. I used those suggestions to improve my article, so it can be the best it possibly can. I also collaborated with my family to get their opinions on my essay. Collaboration was enhanced by me talking to different people and learning their opinions and applying them in my work.

Checkout  the artifact that shows my final draft in the Miami Valley Person of the Year project



Created by Edward Love II  with

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