"My time at Aullwood + Meditation Script"
Frog egg sack in the marsh
Today, we first started class with a discussion on defining what a community is. We decided that a community, or at least one definition, is that a community should be based on equality. We exercised this by forming a food web with yarn, and the class learned that if one organism dies in the community everyone/everything suffers. After the exercise, we went to Aullwood Nature Center and Farm. My favorite things at Aullwood were holding an Eastern Rat snake, learning about Dams Rocket, and seeing a frog egg sack. The Eastern Rat snake is one of the largest, if not, the largest snake in Ohio. It eats mostly rats and it tends to constrict its body. A Dams Rocket (excuse me if I messed up on the name) is an invasive species that looks like a normal flower but really is a weed. Finally, one of the last things that we did on the trail at Aullwood is that we found a frog's egg sack, which was really interesting and gross at the same time. In conclusion, we were instructed to either write a contemplation or meditation script for Monday's yoga session. My meditation script is this:
3…2…1 Blast off! Feel inertia seeping into your muscles; you succumb to the involuntary shaking. Your cheeks vibrating violently making little ripples flowing from in out of your face. Then you come to a slow stop. Your body starts to adjust to the stillness and you start to become aware of your surroundings. You see a vast sea of stars glittery like beads of gold yet at the forefront is “mother nature’s glorious spherical phoenix—the Sun herself.
Her rays cover you in blanket of warmth and radiation, which is not the cancer causing radiation but the kind that gives you a tingling sensation. Sensation engulfs you in a wave of pleasure. Pleasure that can only be experienced once in a life time. Then you feel the slight sharpness of wind brisk across your face. The wind carriers you on a silver carriage to this giant abyss in the middle of space. You look down into the nightmarish hole and your cherish memories implant themselves in your brain; then—you fall!
As you fall, you relive each joyful memory. You can feel a burst of sunshine erupt inside of you while tasting a hint of chocolate on the edge of your tongue. You start to realize that you are floating in a void of emptiness, yet you welcome the quiet nature that it produces. You are coming to a state of stability and peace. As you settle into a sense of tranquility, you expel all of your negative thoughts/memories in a cloud of white smoke. Suddenly, a vacuum of wind swirls you into a whirlpool of darkness. You spawn back on earth waving an aura of serenity; as you open your eyes you start to experience a form of liberation and a hint of peace nestled in the back of your mind.