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"My own Monster Pack"

American Discovery Trail Map.gif

Map of the entire Amercian Discovery Trail

Today, we watch Cheryl Strayed explanation on why she wrote the Wild book We learned that she had a self-reflective journey while hiking a portion of the Pacfic Crest Trail, a nature trail that outstretches from Mexcio through Canda. Then we were instructed to find our own trail that we would like to hike and all the things (including the wieght of each item) we would need to complete our journey. I chose to hike the southern route of the Amercan Discovery Trail. It goes from the Ohio to Kentuky by way of starting from Eden Park, Cinninati to Elizabethtown, Kentuky. The trail is about 67.4 miles long, which is about a 17 hour long trek. Materials needed for journey is: Tent( 1lb 10 oz)-2 Cliffbar 12 in a pack (3.6 lbs)-4 cans of baked beans (3.75 lbs)-Compass(.64 oz)-Travel Atlas (5 oz)-Headphones(5.4 oz)-Phone(4 oz)-Flashlight (7.2 oz)-Portable Pillow( 3 lbs)-Dried Fruit( 6 lbs)-Wallet(5.2 oz)-First Aid Kit (4 lbs)-Bug Spray (4oz). With all these items for my trip that makes my "monster" pack, a term author Cheryl Strayed used to describe how big her back pack was, wiegh: 23.63 lbs for my total back pack wieght.

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